Sunday, June 27, 2010

Welcome to this world!

"Aldrenaline and Aldrea"
Welcome to this world!

  • A visit to the new born
HAHAS! They are twins! Its the first time my family gave birth to a twins! Baby girl on the left and Boy on the right. In Chinese call Long Feng Tai (Dragon and Phoenix).

Both of them was born yesterday. Isn't it cute!? AND I GOT A GOOD NEWS! I FINALLY GET TO CARRY THEM AND ITS CARRIED AT THE SAME TIME!(PS My face kinda cui!Ignore it)

LOLS! happy can! I think I prefer this.

Yeah I like carrying baby girl. Don't know why I think she's smaller and cute-ter LOLS!.
Well well school reopening TOMORROW!

AWW MAN HATE IT MAN! And I will blog about Xavier's birthday party soon! Gotta rest now. 


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Singapore's proudly presents

"The stand out SG"-Photo taken by me
Singapore's proudly presents

  • Marina Bay Sands

The inner view of the hotel

Its HUGE and BEAUTIFUL. Well I went there with my aunt they are me tour guide on that day. When they pull open the door I went WHAOOOO. 

I don't feel like I'm in Singapore though. I feel like I am at the America newly opened Integrated Resort. Cos there were many Angmohs! and other foreigners. 

I miss the buggy like Limos car that kinda type.TSK!

My aunt wanted to book a hotel room just to see how the rooms are like, but then they change plans. A night stay cost $400 but my aunt got a discount for 50% and she can stay $200 one night. Its cheap! but the original price is expensive!

You can visit my facebook album to see more of the photos.

Marina Bay Sands album

At night the hotels look more elegant. You guys should go there and have a look.

Oh ya should talk about yesterday shopping trip. I am so happy! I bought a lot of thangs! Love their newly stocks. NICE!

Okay Should stop here for today gotta study and watch my MOVIES. and MOVIE FOR TONIGHT TOO!KARATE KID!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Monday's Random

Peiqi, me, Qishan and Vinnie
Monday's Random

  • Orchard spree
I wanted to go but then I will fell guilty if I didn't stay home to study.LOLS. But, Shan called up to persuade me to go and at last last I did.=.=|||

Hereen was one of my favorite mall because I love their shops product though expensive yet Unique!
We went to watch this movie called KILLERS

This show IS FUNNY! A bit of comedian and action pack MUST WATCH!Here's the trailer.


However when its coming to the ending part, I ran to the pee! and the last part is the best part of all lahs.I missed it. But really at that moment I really can't hold on to my bladder.LOLS!

I bought a geek 'blinking' spect which cost $5!Cheaper than than the shop houses near my house lors!BASKET lucky never buy from them.

Then we went to accompany Vinnie to look around for her Sling back she was hesitating whether to buy a Crumbler bag, Spin a bottle or what DCP bag OR A BAG PACK. When you look at her thoughtful face its funny.LOLS.So we were brainstorming for her.

AT LAST, She bought a SHIRT at PRAISE. =.= Bag into shirt okay never at least she bought something.
Vinnie!Your bag-WAIT FOR YOUR FATE LAHS! hahas.

The awesome Kukup

The awesome Kukup

  • Kukup trip with school
Whoooo! tons of pictures to upload here. I guess I only upload the objective ones.

Lucky there's no jam so we manage to reach Malaysia on time. Then we were brought to a coffee shop to consume our breakfast and we had wanton mee! OISHI DESU! each bowl of soup they served us 5 wantons. You will never find it in Singapore, cos they give you extra charge and so they can earn mahs clever right.

Then we were taken to a industrial factories which they do pewter on those trophies, medals and those alloys cum Tins (Chemistry students knows). And I finally get to see it LIVE! how cool is that!? They heat up the liquid and then when they scoop some and pour it on a table. Not even a SECOND it harden. Straight away right on the spot. And when he put back into the hot wok, immediately it melts.

Next we had a long 1hour sleeping ride to the Mangrove swamp which is known as the world largest mangrove swamp, which exist till now. And yeah I learn a lot about the mangrove trees. They actually breath above waters. As it said that the soil in the water could not provide oxygen for them. But along the way, the place which look like forest to me in the sense that they build a VERY LONG BRIDGE as in a long pathway for humans to walk and it lead them to a jetty which is so big but "isolated". LOL. Flying Monkeys were all around us and its scary!

Then we were brought to a Seafood house for lunch. And I didn't expect that they serve us CRAB and big fish. Cos usually it cost a lot you see. The food were nice not as bad I expected. We were eating on the sea so at the back of the restaurant, there was small port for us to aboard the boat to visit the fish farm.

Fish farm was shaky and unstable. Cos we only get to walk on a wood which is made for walking purpose. As you seen it on the TV. And there's no handle or whatever for you to hold on. Once you fall and THAT'S IT-swim with the fishy.
They eat Jelly fish lors.Its huge and disgusting. There's even Puffer fish. Cute but dangerous. "Archery fish", I forgot the actual name LOLS cos they spit water above shore to shoot down insects for food. Dam cool!

Then We get to go "Shopping" at the village. Nothing much but I'm quite shock that they did sell fashionable clothes there like blogshop that kind of clothings. That's the only place which has air con facilities. LOLS. And I bought a watch its nice!

Then we went to a Chinese Kampong house to visit their fruits plantation. Pineapple, Dragon fruit (For your info if you don't know Dragon fruit grows on 
cactus plant), Durians etc etc.

Then lastly, we were thrown to a chocolate factory !! okay its not totally a factory that go through those processes. But a shop which also a little "museum" to tell us how chocolates are made. And I only remember this thing that the sales girl said:" A good chocolate always melt quickly when you put it into your mouth." I will remember that. And I bought a Durian, Tomato and Sesame chocolate and a box of coca drink.

Story end Pictures you got to go to my Facebook and view it.There are 2 ALBUM because I took too many photos hahas!Click below these 2 links to view the photos :D
Done Arigato!

KezzendraQuek Kukup album

KezzendraQuek Kukup 2 album