Thursday, February 24, 2011

4 More days to go!

The Body- Anna Evgen | Nirrimi

4 More Days To Go!
  • CS mock test :((
Yesterday our group stay back for ITI projects but in the end, we spend the whole day just to do the EFC role play script!=.= Brainstorm for like 3 to 4 hours and went home like a half dead person. 

LOL! By the time we reach home, its around 9 pm already. Don't even feel like eating dinner cos I'm too tired to eat! LOL.

Have our CS Mock test today, we sacrifices our CS revision and did the role play instead. Therefore We gonna flunk our CS test :( I'm sorry Ms Lim.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oii How's Life!? HAHAHAHA

Are you feeling beautiful?-Credits to Deviantart
Oii How's Life!? HAHAHAHA

  • Schooling for 1 month 20 days already
  • Weiling and Lingyi's birthday treat at Korean BBQ shop
    I woke up at 6 every morning and go home by 5pm. Kinda lose weight when school starts. Lectures everyday and need Halls (Sweet) to wake me up from falling asleep hahaha!


    Guess we went to the wrong shop already. The bill was like freaking "cheap". Never wanna go there eat again. But we enjoy the meal after all :)). Thanks loves!
