Game over ;Back to school!
Game over; Back to school!
- Say good bye to the king of pop
- On task again to Bishan door to door sales
We can't go SPCA today.The H1N1 is really a spoiler.I miss Caecare lors.The brown dog.I mean if I see the animals - cheer me up.Got it? I pair up with Peiqi and Xinyi at Sembawang, and the outcome is we sold one nia.Hsien nan and Leonard worst lahs not even one. So We decided to teleport to Bishan!.And met Sydani and Co.They were doing CIP work too.Giving out the Anti-Drugs free card holder.I gave my mum LOLS.Then end up I pair up with Leonard and we sell the most hahas.Great jobs!! PS: Hsien nan don't assume too early you loser LOLS.
TAGS:Leonard-Welcome lahs make your braces brighter cos the aunties loves it.HAHAS.
Danial-Adam's family?LOLS who??