Thursday, April 23, 2009

Life is unfair(Her story)

Life is unfair(Her story)
  • Della story(Name is change to protect identity.Base on true story)
Della is 14 this year.She enroll in North light school due to her PSLE result.When you get to see her the first time, it is obvious that she looks different from the other student.Because of her big head.There's a reason why she had huge head which make her looks abnormal.

When she was 3 years old, she had contracted a illness and this illness is cannot be cured until today.

The doctor speak to her parents when she was 3:" Her brain is accumulating waters which she absorb from her daily intake.And this cause her to have headache and it affect her study.I'm afraid to say that she has 3 more years to Live."

3 more years to live, can you imagine?You are facing death.Dieing on the age of 6.And you are aware of it, how are you suppose to take it?But miracle happens, it really does.And i happen to believe it because i had seen before.

She Live until today.She hit over her limit.You know why she can live until now?because she did 31 operations through out her 12 years.The op is to drain out the waters from her brain.

But this year,her doctor speak to her personally:"Della, you have been doing your operations for 31 times for the past 12 years.But this year, i can't continue to operate on you anymore.Because it will affect you and your body and your body cannot take it.I'm sorry to say.i bet it's a must for you to know.may god bless you."

She was speechless.The only thing she knew was she's going to die any of these days, in this year.Everyday when she gets to open her eyes, she appreciate that a lot because she knew that she's not dead.She wants to spend her time with her families, friends, teachers and people around who loves and cherish her.Why?because she never know is there a tomorrow again.She can't predict or assume that she will die today or any of the tomorrow but she knew death is awaiting.

Her principle asked her:"What is your wish?your dream?" Della reply:"The only wish i want is to perform in front of my parents, friends, teachers and the principle before its time for me to go :)."Tears flow down my cheek and wet my eye lashes, the moment she say this.Her parents is with her every minute every second.Seeing her living for 14 years is a very hard and tough with worries.

There's a phrase in Chinese call
白发人送黑发人 (Parents with=white hair sending children with= black hair off the last time).Its so rare but it happens now days.Cherish your life.Don't make it last minute when you know something bad about you gonna happen then came crying and cherishing.Its too late.Only regrets will stuck in your heart forever because you will never get a second chance back.

Spending their last time together its always a memories in their heart.I hope god bless you all the way.


Pauline-LOLS okays lahs when exam over.
-XD alright HOR LOLS.
-Always sad lahs ass you.LOL.
-LOLS!your com lousy mahs.OII WHAT MAID!?some one also going Indonesia seh become NANNY SOME MORE!!worst ahhs.LOLS.


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